“ALIENS! [Part 1]”
Posted on Oct 16th, 2012.
First alien I saw when I was a kid, in the cartoon show called Tom & Jerry. The alien creature came to earth and became Jerry’s friend, who is saving Jerry from Tom attack. After that, the alien concept and the other planet are much known to the world, when Star Track hit the floor. After that, Hollywood is continuously introducing Alien related movies. I don’t have to focus on the name of these movies, because every one of us knows about it. So, what are the truth about this aliens stories, Are they really exist? Or are there living planets far away? Many questions, but not clear answers. Here, in these few days I’ll try to put some light on this topic.
Firstly we should start with the meaning of alien. What exactly the aliens are? Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person is called as aliens. In our case we are talking about the characters that do not belong to our homeland mother earth. So, my question is do you believe in aliens?
In my case, I believe in aliens. Those who are not really things that the aliens are just myth, they are no other living planets except earth. We are living planet called earth which is situated on the galaxy called the Milky Way. So, the first question is that how big the galaxy really is. Now, at least we know a little bit about our solar system. When the star called sun is in the
centre and all the planet including earth is rotating on its axis. To give the idea about our solar system size, we even don’t know all about the moon also. So, our solar system is really big and we have lots to know about it. It can take many years to just get the knowledge about our solar system only. Now, here is the interesting part, do you know how big is a galaxy?? Well, I know you don’t know the answer. Don’t feel sorry, you are not the only one, no body knows it. NASA says, there are more than 200 billion stars like the sun in our galaxy. So, let’s think how big it is. Just close your eyes and let your imagination go beyond the line and think about the massive size of the Milky Way galaxy. See the photo of it…
Are you excited? Yeah me too. This is just a trailer, now you have to see the whole movie. So, now you got the idea about the galaxy and the solar system and its size. Wait!! This is not over yet. Did you forget the UNIVERSE? The Milky Way galaxy which we are discussing is the one where our solar System exists. But there are billions of Galaxies like the Milky Way and it Known as the Universe.
So, here is my simple logic to those who don’t believe that there are not any form of life which is exists except the planet earth. On earth we have very much develop in science and technology, but besides that still we don’t know how many species of living things are there in the oceans. Big question HUH!! :D
• In my next part of this article I’ll come with some prove about the aliens. :D
Keep thinking…. Madvision.
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